Classroom Sponsorship
Provides the classroom with:
Flexible furniture for whole class and small group work
Reading Rug & classroom library storage
Student Cubbies to store backpacks/coats
Whiteboards & Bulletin Boards
TV & Projector
Teacher Desk & Supply Storage
Charging Station for iPads
Classroom fixtures (clock, flag, mounted pencil sharpener, trash can/recycling bin)
Columbine Locks on the classroom door
Safety Film on the Windows
Classroom set of art supplies
Sponsor Recognition:
Signage above classroom and in school entryway
Recognition as a founding donor for the Premier Arts Academy on our website & social media
Invitation to participate in the Ribbon Cutting
Invitation to participate in press opportunities
Invitation to read to the class you sponsored
Special reserved seating and recognition at the first All School Musical – The Wizard of Oz
Complete donation online through button below. Checks can be made payable to Premier Arts Academy and mailed to 410 S. Main St. Elkhart, IN 46516