Supply Lists
Kindergarten Supplies
Most supplies are shared, community supplies, so please do not label with student names unless noted.
Community Supplies:
- (2) 2 pk Ticonderoga My First Pencils
- (4) 24 pk crayola crayons
- 6 Elmers glue sticks (no scented glue)
- 1 pk Crayola colored pencils
- 1 pk Crayola markers
- 1 blunt tip kid scissors
- 1 pk highlighters
- 1 black plastic pencil box
- 4 pk black Expo dry erase markers (chisel tip)
- 4 pk black Expo dry erase marker (fine tip)
- 2 Folders with 2 pockets (red/blue)
- 2 Hand sanitizer
- Girls: 1 quart size Ziploc bag
- Boys: 1 gallon size Ziploc bag
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 Clorox wipes
Supplies to be labeled with students name:
- 1 clipboard 9x12
- 1 kids spiral sketch book
- Reusable water bottle
- Wired headphones (no ear earbuds/no Bluetooth)
- Gym Shoes to be kept at school
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with name (Dollar Tree has these)
1st Grade Supplies
Most supplies are shared, community supplies, so please do not label with student names unless noted.
- 1pk Dry erase markers
- Dry erase erasers
- Black sharpie markers
- Clip board 9x12 labeled with name
- 1 pk washable markers (crayola)
- 2 pk of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 1pk highlighters
- Wired Headphones (no earbuds or bluetooth) for ipad, (labeled with child's name)
- 2 pk elmers glue sticks, not scented
- 1 pk markers
- 1pk colored pencils
- 2 pk #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- cap erasers
- Pink pearl erasers
- 3 prong pocket folders in red, orange,yellow,blue,green
- 1pk post-it notes multi color
- pencil tool box, (to be kept at school)
- 2 three ring binder 1 inch
- wide spiral notebook
- Composition book
- Blunt tip Scissors
- index cards
- 12’ ruler (inches)
- personal water bottle, to be kept at school
- 2 tissue boxes
- 2 large hand sanitizer
- Girls: 1 quart size ziplock bag
- Boys: 1 gallon size ziplock bag
- 2 pks disinfectant wipes.
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
- Girls: (1) pkg multi-colored construction paper, 1 box of 2 gallon Ziplock style bags
- Boys: (1) pkg white or cream card stock (paper), 1 box of 1 gallon Ziplock style bags
2nd Grade Supplies
- Gym Shoes (to be left at school)
- Pair of extra socks (to be kept in backpack)
- Water Bottle (will be sent home each night)
- Headphones (no earbuds no bluetooth)
- Pencil Box x2
- 24 #2 pencils-Ticonderoga
- 2 large soft pink erasers
- 6 glue sticks
- 3 folders (student's choice)
- 3 70 page wide-ruled notebooks
- 1 package of wide ruled loose leaf paper
- 1 3-subject notebooks
- Index cards
- 4-pack black, fine tip dry erase markers
- 2 boxes tissues
- Markers (prefer crayola)
- Crayons (prefer crayola)
- Colored Pencils
- Scissors
- Hand sanitizer to share
- Sanitizing wipes to share
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (Dollar Tree has these)
3rd Grade Supplies
- Water Bottle
- Wired headphones for ipad
- Pencil Box
- 24 #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils, please)
- Pencil sharpener with cap
- 1 large pink eraser
- 4 glue sticks
- 4 fine tip, variety pack of dry erase markers
- Markers or crayons
- 1 highlighter
- Colored Pencils
- Scissors
- 12” ruler
- 4 2-pocket folders (blue, green, red, yellow)
- 1 package loose leaf wide-ruled paper
- 1 3-subject wide-ruled notebook
- 2 boxes of tissues to share
- Hand sanitizer to share
- Disinfectant wipes to share
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
- A whole bunch of curiosity
- Compassion
- A smile
4th Grade Supplies
For the Student/Individual:
- Curiosity
- 1 One Inch 3-Ring Binder
- 2 Two-Pocket Folders (With 3-Hole Punches)
- 2 Spiral Wide Ruled Notebooks
- 2 Bar Erasers
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 2 Highlighters
- 1 Pack of 12 Count Colored Pencils
- 1 Pack of 10 Count Markers
- 1 Protractor (½ Circle Style)
- 1 Ruler
- Compassion
- 1 Compass
- 1 Pencil Pouch/Case
- A Reusable Water Bottle
- Personal Wired Headphones (For iPad)
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
Shared/For the Class:
- Patience
- 2 packages wide-ruled lined paper
- (2) pkg 3x5 notecards (lined on one side)
- (2) pkg Sticky Notes
- Kleenex (3 pack)
- Clorox Wipes (One container)
- Hand Sanitizer
- 4 Glue Sticks
- 4 Dry Erase Markers
- 1 Pack of #2 Pencils
- Girls: 1 box quart size baggies
- Boys: 1 box gallon size baggies
5th Grade Supplies
Please label your child’s shoes and supplies.
- 2-24 of Pencils
- 2 packs of loose lined paper
- A bottle of hand sanitizer
- Glue sticks
- 2 pack of scotch tape
- Dry Erase Markers (Black or colors)
- Kleenex (3 Pack)
- Highlighters (multiple colors)
- Clorox Wipes (2 packages)
- A Reusable Water Bottle
- Personal Headphones (For iPad) (Wired. Wireless don’t always connect)
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Pencil bag
- Black Jazz Shoe (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
- (1) Blue 3-prong pocket folders (will use for Literacy)
- (1) Purple 3-prong pocket folders (will use for Grammar)
- (1) Red 3-prong pocket folders (will use for math)
- 12” Ruler
- Compass
- Protractor (half-circle style)
- Compassion
- Curiosity
6th Grade Supplies
Individual Supplies - For the Student
- Pencils (enough for the year, replace as needed)
- Block Eraser (Pink Pearl or equivalent brand)
- Pencil Case or Pouch
- Lined Paper (enough for the year, replace as needed)
- Two 1.5 or 2 inch 3-Ring Binders
- Two packs of 8 Dividers for Binder
- Glue Sticks
- 1 pack of Colored Pencils
- 1 pack of Markers
- Highlighters
- A Reusable Water Bottle
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoes (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
- Headphones for iPad (NOT wireless)
- 12” Ruler
- Compass
- Protractor (half-circle style)
- A Positive Attitude 👍
Homeroom - For the Class
- Kleenex
- 1 box of quart size ziplock bags
- 3x5 notecards (lined on one side)
- Hand Sanitizer
- 1 pkg Dry Erase Markers (Black)
- Clorox Wipes
- 1 box of gallon size ziplock bags
- 2 pkg Sticky notes
- Band-aids
- 1 pkg Dry Erase Markers (Color)
7th Grade Supplies
Individual Supplies - For the Student
- Pencils (enough for the year, replace as needed)
- Block Eraser (Pink Pearl or equivalent brand)
- Pencil Case or Pouch
- Lined Paper (enough for the year, replace as needed)
- Two 1.5 or 2 inch 3-Ring Binders
- Two packs of 8 Dividers for Binder
- Glue Sticks
- 1 pack of Colored Pencils
- 1 pack of Markers
- Highlighters
- A Reusable Water Bottle
- Gym Shoes (to be kept at school)
- Black Jazz Shoes (linked here for reference)
- Shoe box size plastic bin labeled with student’s name (dollar tree has these)
- Headphones for iPad (NOT wireless)
- 12” Ruler
- Compass
- Protractor (half-circle style)
- A Positive Attitude 👍
Homeroom - For the Class
- Dry Erase Markers (Black)
- Kleenex
- Band-Aids
- Clorox Wipes