Student Resources » Food Services

Food Services

The Board of School Trustees of Premier Arts Academy supports the health and well-being of the school corporation’s students by promoting nutrition and physical activity at all grade levels.

In accordance with federal law, it is the policy of the Board to provide students access to healthy foods and beverages; provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity; and require that all meals served by the school corporation meet or exceed the federal nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A Coordinated School Health Advisory Council will be formed and maintained to oversee these activities. 

The School Wellness Policy shall be made available to students and families by means of school registration, the student handbook and the corporation’s website.

  1. Coordinated School Health Advisory Council 

The board will engage parents/guardians, food service professionals, teachers of physical education, students, school health care professionals, school board members, school administrators, and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing corporation-wide nutrition and physical activity policies. A Coordinated School Health Advisory Council will be formed and maintained at the corporation level to oversee the development, implementation and evaluation of the school corporation’s wellness policy. 

  • In accordance with state and federal law, the school corporation will form and maintain a corporation level Coordinated School Health Advisory Council that includes at least the following: 

  • Parents/Guardians 
  • Food Service Director/Professionals 
  • Teachers of Physical Education
  • Students 
  • School health care professionals/Registered Dietitians/School Nurse 
  • School board members 
  • School administrators 
  • Any interested member of the public
  • Representatives of interested community organizations 

Other potential members of the Council include teachers, teaching assistants, SNAP-Ed educators, and community representatives such as recreation professionals, city planners, industry professionals and voluntary service workers. 

  1. The Advisory Council shall meet at least annually to review nutrition and physical activity policies and to develop an action plan for the coming year. The Council shall meet as needed during the school year to discuss implementation activities and address barriers and challenges. 

  1. The Advisory Council shall report annually to the Superintendent and the School Board on the implementation of the wellness policy and include any recommended changes or revisions. 
  2. The School Board will adopt or revise nutrition and physical activity policies based on recommendations made by the Advisory Council.

  1. Nutrition Education and Nutrition Promotion

Nutrition topics shall be integrated within the comprehensive health education curriculum and taught at every grade level K-8 according to standards of the Indiana Department of Education. Schools will link nutrition education activities with existing coordinated school health programs or other comparable comprehensive school health promotion frameworks.

  1. Health education will be provided as part of a comprehensive health education program and taught by a licensed health education instructor. Teaching what are healthy food and beverage options and  how to make healthy choices outside of school hours.   
  2. Nutrition education will reinforce lifelong balance, emphasizing the link between caloric intake and exercise in ways that are age appropriate.
  3. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low sugar and sodium foods will be promoted at Premier Arts Academy.

III. Standards for USDA Child Nutrition Programs  

The board will provide and promote the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs to ensure that all students have access.

All food and beverage at Premier Arts Academy will comply with USDA and state regulations including the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010.  

s to healthy foods to support healthier choices and promote optimal learning. 

  1. Nutrition Standards for Competitive and Other Foods and Beverages 

  1. The Board will provide and allow foods and beverages that support proper nutrition, promote healthy choices, and comply with federal nutrition standards in vending machines, school stores and concession stands. This also includes food and beverages made available in schools during the school day for such events as school fundraisers and food and beverages brought into the schools by students or other persons for such events as birthdays and classroom celebrations. 

No fundraisers selling food items will be allowed in any school during the school day.

  1. The Board will allow marketing in school buildings and on school grounds during the school day for only those food and beverages provided by the school that meet the federal nutrition standards. Marketing that promotes student health will be permitted in school buildings and on school grounds.

  1. Physical Activity and Physical Education 

  • Grades K-8 will participate in physical education in order to meet the physical education standards
  • Students will be provided a minimum of 20 minutes of physical activity each day as weather permits.  
  • The physical education program shall provide adequate space and equipment to ensure quality physical education classes for all students.
  • A wide variety of healthy, alternative rewards are used to provide positive reinforcements for children's behavior and acedemic performance

  1. Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness  

The board supports the health and well-being of our students and staff by creating and promoting policy and environmental supports to provide physical activity and healthy eating opportunities

  • provide student access to nutritious food and beverages which are smart snack compliant
  • Require all meals served by the school to meet the nutritional standards for the National School Lunch program
  • Students have access to free palatable drinking water during the school day.  Teachers may offer the option of students water bottles at the student desk.
  • Teachers will be allowed to have lunch with students, to model healthy eating behaviors to students during school hours

VII. Evaluation

The Head of school shall report annually to the board on the work of the wellness committee, their evaluation of the wellness program implementation, and areas for improvement.

The Head of school is responsible for retaining all documentation of compliance with this policy and its regulations, including but not limited to each school’s three-year assessment and evaluation report and this wellness policy and plan. 

The Head of school will also be responsible for public notification of the three-year assessment and evaluation report, including any updates to this policy made as a result of the corporation’s three-year assessment and evaluation.


7 CFR Part 210

I.C. 20-26-9-18.5

Meal time and scheduling:

  1. Adequate time will be provided to students to eat lunch (at least 20 minutes after being served) and breakfast (at least 10 minutes after being served). 
  2. Elementary schools will schedule recess before or after lunch.
  3. School meals will be served in clean and pleasant settings.
  4. Students will have convenient access to hand-washing and sanitizing stations. 
  5. Potable (drinking) water must be readily available at all mealtimes.
  6. Appropriate supervision will be provided in the cafeteria and rules for safe behavior shall be consistently enforced.

  • Professional Development 

  1. Professional development and training will be provided at least annually to food service managers and staff on proper food handling techniques and healthy cooking practices.
  2. Nutrition Standards for Competitive and Other Food and Beverages 

  • Approved Nutrition Standards, based on the nutrition standards of the Institute of Medicine (2007).

  1. Classroom celebrations will focus on activities (e.g., giving free time, extra recess, music and reading time) rather than on food.
  2. Classroom celebrations that include food will be limited to one per month. Food items must comply with federal nutrition standards. 
  3. Schools shall inform parents/guardians of the classroom celebration guidelines.

  • Food as a Reward or Punishment

  1. Teachers and staff will not use food as a reward. For example, the use of sugar-sweetened beverages or candy as a classroom reward at any school is not appropriate. 
  2. School staff will not withhold food or drink at mealtimes as punishment.

  • Fundraisers

  1. Fundraising activities will support healthy eating and wellness. Schools will promote the sale of non-food items for school-sponsored fundraising. For a food or beverage item to be sold as a fundraiser, it must meet the approved nutrition standards. Fundraisers subject to this rule are those sold during the school day on school grounds. School day is defined as from midnight the night before to 30 minutes after the end of school.

  1. Marketing  

  1. Signage or similar media on school campus during the school day may only advertise food and/or beverages provided and sold by the school that meet the competitive foods standards for foods sold in schools (i.e. Smart Snacks). 

  1. Physical Activity and Physical Education

 All students in grades K-8 will participate in physical education in order to meet the Physical Education Standards. 

 The physical education program shall be provided adequate space and equipment to ensure quality physical education classes for students. 

  • Daily Recess and Physical Activity Breaks  

  1. Each elementary school shall provide daily physical activity in accordance with Indiana Code 20-30-5-7.5.
  2. All elementary school students will have at least 1 period of active recess per day that is at least 20 minutes in length as recommended by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). This recess period will be outdoors when possible. If outdoor recess is not possible due to inclement weather, teachers will provide an indoor physical activity break in the classroom.


Physical Activity Opportunities Before and After School

  1. Schools will offer intramurals, clubs, interscholastic sports and voluntary activities to increase opportunities for physical activity before and/or after school, taking into account student interest and supervisor availability. 
  2. After-school enrichment providers will include physical activity in their programs, to the extent space and equipment allow.

  • Physical Activity and Remedial Activities/Punishment

  1. Students will not be removed or excused from physical education to receive instruction in other content areas.  
  2. School staff will not use physical activity (e.g., running laps, pushups) or withhold opportunities for physical activity (e.g., recess, physical education) as punishment.


  1. Evaluation of Wellness Policy

  • Implementation and Data Collection

  1. 1. The school corporation will use an evidence-based assessment tool to track the collective health of students over time by collecting data such as body composition (height and weight), aerobic capacity, and/or muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. 
  2. 2. The school administrator is responsible for retaining all documentation of compliance with this policy and its regulations, but the principals shall ensure that their individual schools are in compliance with the corporation’s wellness policy every three school years by assessing wellness implementation strategies. The principals shall provide a written report to the superintendent, who will provide the report to the school board. The principal’s report shall contain the following information: the school’s progress toward meeting the wellness goals over the previous three school years; the website address for the wellness policy and how the public can receive a copy of the policy; a description of the progress in meeting the goals, a summary of the event or activities related to the implementation of the policy; the name, position, and contact information of the school official coordinating the health advisory council or the school’s wellness team; and information on how individuals and the public can get involved with the school’s wellness team.

The evaluation of the wellness policy and implementation will be directed by the Coordinated School Health Advisory Council and will be responsible for the three-year assessment of each school’s compliance with the policy and its regulations. The three-year assessment must measure the implementation of this policy and its regulations; the extent to which each school is in compliance with the policy; the extent this policy compares to other model school wellness policies; and a description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy. As a result of this assessment and evaluation the policy and regulations will be revised as needed.

  1. The three-year assessment and evaluation report will be made available to the public by posting it on the school corporation website.
  2. Progress reports ensure transparency by including: the web address of the wellness policy, a description of each schools activities and progress towards me
  3. The school principal shall be responsible for informing the public, including parents, students and community members, on the contend and implementation of this policy.  
(11.6) Unpaid Meal Policy (rev. 1/15/25)


The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized process for handling situations when children eligible for reduced-price or full-price meal benefits have insufficient funds to pay for school meals. This policy is in accordance with the requirements outlined in 2 CFR Part 200 and Section 143 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. It aims to support the nutritional needs of students and ensure that the financial stability of the school’s Child Nutrition Program is protected.


This policy applies to all students enrolled in thePremier Arts Academy and participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.

Policy Statements:

  1. No Denial of Meals:
    • 1.a. Students who qualify for free meals will not be denied a reimbursable meal even if they have accrued a negative balance on their cafeteria account.
    • 1.b. Students who have money to pay for a reduced-price or full-price meal at the time of service will be provided a meal. If a student intends to use the money for that day’s meal, the school will not allocate the funds to repay a negative balance or other unpaid meal charge debt.
    • 1.c. All students will be allowed to charge meals and will never be denied a meal due to a negative balance. However, seconds or extras will not be permitted unless the account is in good standing.

Communicating the Policy:

  1. Notification to Households and Staff:
    • 2.a. The written meal charge policy will be posted on the PAA website and included in the Student Handbook.
    • 2.b. All division staff will be informed of the meal charge policy before the start of each school year.
    • 2.c. Child Nutrition Program staff will receive training on the meal charge policy, and a record of this training will be maintained as part of their professional development portfolio.
    • 2.d. Documentation of communication and training will be maintained for the Federal Program Administrative Review.

Notifying the Household of Low or Negative Balance:

  1. Household Communication:
    • 3.a. Households will be notified of any debt in the student’s cafeteria account every two weeks.
    • 3.b. The school will send letters home with the student when the account has a low or negative balance. Parents/guardians can also check balances at any time using the Linq Connect App:
    • 3.c. Notifications will include the total amount of unpaid meal charges and instructions for making a payment. If families are unable to pay in a timely manner, they are encouraged to contact the Director of Food Services, Stephanie Slagel, at [email protected]  to work out a payment plan.
    • 3.d. Persons Responsible for Managing Unpaid Meal Charges:
      • a. PAA staff will collect payments for meals at the Point of Sale (POS).
      • b. Parents/guardians may send cash or checks with their child or drop off payments at the front office.

End of School Year Debt:

  1. Evaluation and Management of Delinquent Debt:
    • 4.a. At the end of each school year, the Child Nutrition Program Director and the Finance Director will evaluate all delinquent debt for potential conversion to bad debt. Bad debt will be reimbursed to the CNP from the general fund, NOT the non-profit school food service account, before the end of the fiscal year.
    • 4.b. Efforts to collect delinquent and/or bad debt will include:
      • a. Sending written letters to the household.
      • b. Making phone calls to parents/guardians to discuss the situation.
      • c. Site Principals will make direct contact with the household if there is no resolution after initial attempts.

Assistance to Households:

Households with questions or those needing assistance are encouraged to contact the school office or reach out to the Director of Food Services at [email protected]  for support and to discuss available options.

Indiana Department of Education
Child Nutrition Programs
Policy Instruction 15-01
Guidance on Prohibition of Separation by Gender
During Child Nutrition Program Meal Service
To explain the prohibition on separation by gender during Child Nutrition Program meal service
and outlines select circumstances under which gender-based separation may be permissible.
This memorandum supersedes previously rescinded guidance SP 32-2012, CACFP 16-2012,
as well as SFSP 12-2012, “Prohibition of Separation by Gender during Child Nutrition Program
Meal Service,” originally issued May 9, 2012.

School food authorities (SFAs), organizations, and institutions impacted by this guidance are
those participating in any of the following Child Nutrition Programs: National School Lunch
Program; School Breakfast Program; Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program; Special Milk
Program; Child and Adult Care Food Program; and Summer Food Service Program. These
include any schools, child or adult care institutions and facilities, camps (including residential
facilities), and other sites, as defined in 7 CFR §§ 210.2, 215.2, 225.2, and 226.2, that are
providing meal service as a Program activity.

In general, SFAs, institutions, and organizations participating in the Child Nutrition Programs are
not permitted to separate children on any protected basis during the service of Program meals
or snacks, in keeping with Federal non-discrimination laws and policies as outlined for the
Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs in 7 CFR Parts 15, 15a, and 15b. Federal law
prohibits discrimination based on gender at any educational institution receiving Federal

Exceptions to the Prohibition on Gender-Separated Meal Service
For co-educational schools and school-based sites:
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recognizes religious exemptions granted by the
Department of Education (ED) without prior express approval. ED guidelines allow school and
school-based sites to apply for an exemption when Federal law prohibiting gender separation is
inconsistent with the institution’s religious tenets. These exemptions apply broadly to
operations, including the meal service at a given site, such as a faith-based school.
Additionally, ED guidelines specifically allow for the approval of gender-separate instruction at
public primary and secondary non-vocational schools that could take a variety of forms. It is
important to emphasize that since the general rule is that gender separation during meal service
is prohibited, a co-educational school may not use limited ED approval of gender-separate
instruction to justify blanket gender separation during meal service. Limited exemptions in such
situations must be expressly approved by FNS.

For other institutions and organizations:
State agencies may approve exemptions allowing separation by gender during a Child Nutrition
Program meal service for participating SFAs, organizations, and institutions, without express
prior approval from FNS, in the following circumstances:
● Meal service at religious institutions operating under the dictates of the religion with
which they are affiliated.
● Meal service at juvenile correctional facilities where combining members of the opposite
gender would present a potential safety risk.
● Meal service at facilities that fully separate by gender as part of their normal operations
(for example, gender-separated summer camps).
When requesting an exemption, the Child Nutrition Program operator must specify which of the
above listed reasons apply and why separation by gender is necessary. State agencies must
document all exemption requests, including the date of approval or disapproval, and if
applicable, the duration of the approval. We recommend that exemption approvals are
documented in the agreement between the Program operator and the State agency.

The above listed exemptions are the only acceptable bases for gender separation during Child
Nutrition Program meal service. Any gender separation not based on the ED and/or FNS
approval processes is strictly prohibited.

On a case by case basis, situations that do not clearly fit into any of the exemptions outlined
above may be considered by the State agency in direct consultation with the FNS Regional
Office, including the FNS Civil Rights Office and appropriate FNS National Office Child Nutrition Program staff.

USDA Memo: SP 31-2015, CACFP 12-2015, SFSP 14-2015; March 20, 2015