Booster Club Minutes
5/13/24 Minutes
Meeting started at 5:33 PM at the Elkhart Public Library Downtown.In attendance: Alex Hunter, Kirsten Widemeyer, Jennifer Martin, Jeffrey Szaryato, Sara Howard, Summer Murphy, Stacey Shultz, Rebecca Hall, Jennifer Martin, Tana Zorro-Webb, Andrea Gibson.Stephanie Krol presented a thank you card to BOOSTERS from PAA staff in honor of Appreciation Week!Stacey Shultz announced she will be a special ed para at PAA next year! Summer Murphy will be the Chair for Staff Appreciation next year. Stacey will remain involved but not lead.Fundraiser for PAA SchoolHead of School Ashley Molyneaux is heading a fall golf outing to cover some school expenses including curriculum. Booster assistance was requested. Stephanie Krol gave an overview of the event that will be held potentially Oct 7th at Elcona. We will need booster volunteers to help put raffle baskets together, help sell sponsorships and foursomes along with volunteer day of. Member Jeff Syzrato will volunteer day of and has experience with Cultivate golf outing- gave a suggestion on raffling $10 for 10 yards.BOOSTER FUNDRAISERSFinancial chairs Alex and Jennifer will meet with Sara Howard and committee over the summer.CONCESSIONS AT COMMUNITY EXPO-MAY 29thA volunteer sign up will be going out for concession workers for the PAA Community Expo. We hope to sell out the items.GIVE BACK IDEASKristen and Tana will make more follow up calls on giveback nights.Nelson- picnic - presell and work the event - Tana callFreshies in Elkhart- pizza/ice cream- Tana callFive Below-back to school- Tana callHoney Pot- SK will give info to Kristen on doing an eventElectric Brew-SK will give info to Kristen for the breakdown on their fundraiserPlease give any ideas to Fundraising Chair Sara Howard [email protected]SCHOOL SUPPLY FUNDRAISERJennifer Martin gave an overview on a school supply boxes for fundraiser from 1st Day School Supplies - they could not include jazz or gym shoes. If we send to school- doesn't cost us anything to ship. They need a deadline of July 1st- will arrive 3-4 days before school starts. We would need a few volunteers to distribute. For example, a box is $51 for supplies- then we would mark up for example $10-- things are not priced out individually. We are in our first year so the company would be giving us some grace. Our goal would be to sell 50 kits and mark up $5. The vendor would supply marketing materials. We can also buy items in bulk- hand sanitizer, wipes, etc. Jennifer is going to call and get this process started. We will need volunteers to help distribute school supplies in August - stay tuned!"THE SHIRT" AlphaGraphics - special edition PAA shirt - Jennifer talked about selling the special commemorative t- shirt every year. The 2024-25 SHIRT- will promote these prior to the August Back to School BBQ where they will be sold. More details to come!Helpers with the shirt: Kristen Widemeyer, Jeff ZyaratoSWAG COMMITTEESummer Murphy, Kristen Widemeyer will meet with Tanner of PAA and AlphaGraphics for some swag options on PAA merchandise.Overview of things to change on budget for 2024-2025:
- Create separate budget line for staff development lunches (will need it's own committee)
- Add second classrooms for 1-4th as well as a 7th grade class
- Increase Field Trip Budget
Jenn and Alex will begin to create a budget in the coming weeks.ADMINWe will provide a Booster leadership directory for orientation in addition with key meeting dates- second Mondays of the Month for Booster Club meeting- Stephanie Krol will reach out to the library to coordinate meeting rooms again next year.We need a note taker for each meeting, moving forward. Please see Stephanie Krol if you can help!Stephanie Krol sent a reminder to school administration on the staff grants that are due May 24th.A Booster table will be the upcoming teacher signing day and school orientation.MISC.The group discussed different options for events for PAA to be involved with. Stephanie Krol will also work on a calendar for next year.Field Day is May 31st- volunteers needed. Meet in the school lobby for check-in.Sign up. adjourned 6:40 pmNEXT MEETING- July planning session Monday, July 8th 5:30 pm at the Elkhart Public Main Library Downtown. Meetings will be held the second Monday at 5:30 pm at the Elkhart Public Main Library Downtown, starting in July.
Parent Booster Club Meeting November 11, 2024 Elkhart Public Library
Meeting commenced at 5:30pm
- Approval of last month’s meeting minutes: 1st- Jennifer Martin, 2nd- Kate Lubbers
- School Update - Ashley Molyneaux
- Special Person’s Day – November 22nd
- Each student will be allowed 1 Special Person – the special person will participate in a craft station, a photo station, Book Fair, and an activity (fitness drumming/Holiday karaoke)
- The day will be broke down by grade with the youngest grades last so they can leave with their special person if they want
- Action Item: Be on the lookout for a volunteer signup on the parent Facebook page for Book Fair
- School wide field trip on December 13th to the Lerner to see Elf Jr – teachers may reach out to parents with volunteer requests for this day
- Community Expo – December 5th @ 6pm
- Action Item: Be on the lookout for volunteers to run concessions, set up/tear down, and possibly run PAA Boosters table
- 10:25-11:25am – students will get a chance to visit with Santa
- 10:10-11:35am – Lunch
- Action Item: School will need 8-10 volunteers to help manage lunch room
- 11:45-12:45pm – Holiday movie in classrooms
- Action Item: School will need 1-2 volunteers per classroom during this time so that staff can enjoy a Holiday lunch from the Booster Club
- 12:45-1:45pm – Holiday parties in the classroom
- These will be coordinated by the teachers and room parents – please reach out to either if you would like to help with!
12 Days of Giving for staff members at PAA
The school gifts the 60 person staff 12 days of gifts every year (PAA Swag, tickets to the Lerner, food, etc.); this is much more costly with so much staff this year so Ashley is looking for creative ideas/suggestions on gift ideas from the Boosters
- Stephanie is going to reach out to Honey Pot about their ornaments
- Kate is going to reach out to Kristen about a way to get the kids involved in a gift idea one of the days, organized through room parents
- Liz Is working on Favorite Things lists from staff – these should be out soon
- Please send any and all ideas to Stephanie Kroll and she will relay them to Ashley
New Families!
- Intent to enroll form for next year is out! These have to be filled out to secure your students spot for next year
- There will be informational meetings for new families in the coming months
- There is a small amount of student openings for next semester in the lower grades
- Lottery date for next school year is March 3rd – Opens on January 1st
There will be a science fair in January
Treasurer Report
- World’s Finest Chocolate raised $7,183.15
- Flowers at Finding Nemo raised $577.75
- Current Bank Balance: $12,441.01
- The PAA Shirt
- This line is currently negative $1,218.85 due to the shirt not selling as well as hoped! Looking into ways to get some of this money back
- Samples of bags were passed around – decided on Canvas tote as the favorite
- Alex to follow up with Erik on whether we could sell these at upcoming Expo as well as whether or not we could sell sweatshirts
- It was asked if we could offer this logo as an option at next print your own apparel event – Alex to follow up on this
Financial Recap for October 2024
Fundraising Goal for 2023-2024 School Year: $19,500.00
Selling THE SHIRT: -$1,218.85
PAA Clothing Swap: $141.00
Chocolate Fundraiser: $7,183.15
Flowers at Nemo show: $577.75
Donations: $10.00
Bank Interest Earned: $0.42
Concession Stand: -$105.79
Total Raised for 2023-2024 School Year: $7,760.90
Total Expenses Budgeted for 2024-2025 School Year: $19,500
Staff Lunches: $535.87
Staff Gift (The Shirt): $380.00
Staff Appreciation: $74.77
Teacher Fund: $206.00
Safe: $179.99
Total Spent in 2023-2024 School Year end of August: $972.85
FINAL Bank Balance: $12,441.01
Fundraising Report
- Kate Lubbers and Brittany Pickett are working on planning a Spring Fling!
- Thoughts for this include a photo booth, gift baskets to auction off, and a possible dance a thon
- Action Item: This will need a committee!!! Please contact Kate if interested
- There are still about 15 outstanding Chocolate boxes out there – Sara is reaching out to these families
Book Fair – Amber Rowland
- Amber has this rolling! Volunteer signups will be posted on the Facebook page ASAP
- Will likely need about 6 people for set up/tear down as well as 3 people each hour of Special Person Day
- E-Wallet information will go out this week
Staff Appreciation – Summer Murphy
- Alex to follow up on whether or not we have a bill from Erik for his help on recent Staff Appreciation
- December – committee is doing a hot chocolate bar for December and is in need of a dispenser for hot water – Jeff might have one they can use! If not, Kate is going to check with church
- Summer might be seeking volunteers to bring in cookies in December
Next school board meeting is on December 18th @ 6pm in the Annex building
New Business
- Stephanie Mosely is working with social worker to plan a winter coat/glove/hat drive for PAA students
- Talked about timeline for this, specific items needed and specific verbiage on quality the school can accept as donations as well as method/timeline of donating
- Stephanie will follow up on all questions
Kristen Widmeyer
Amber Rowland
Ashley Molyneaux
Jennifer Martin
Kate Lubbers
Jessica Bailey
Stephanie Moseley
Holly Fritz
Katie Miller
Alex Hunter
Stephanie Krol
Summer Murphy
Erica Dascoli-Lizzi
Jeff Szyarto
Next Meeting: January 13th @ 6pm @ Elkhart Public Library Downtown