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Parent Volunteer Agreement

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We are excited to have your support and participation as a volunteer at Premier Arts Academy. The involvement of parents and guardians is essential to our mission of providing a high-quality education for all students.As part of your commitment to Premier Arts Academy, we are asking that each family complete a minimum of 10 hours of volunteer service during the school year. We appreciate your time and effort in supporting our school community.By signing this agreement, you are committing to:

  1. Complete 10 hours of volunteer service at Premier Arts Academy during the school year.
  2. Attend a mandatory orientation session to understand the expectations, policies, and procedures for volunteering at the school.
  3. Abide by the school's policies and procedures, including those related to confidentiality, student safety, and behavior.
  4. Submit required information for a background check. This is necessary if the volunteer will have unsupervised contact with students.
  5. Notify the school if you are unable to fulfill your volunteer commitment for any reason.


In return for your commitment, Premier Arts Academy will provide:

  1. Opportunities for meaningful volunteer involvement in the school and its programs.
  2. Recognition for your contributions to the school and its students.
  3. Support and training to ensure a positive and productive volunteer experience.
  4. Free background checks as needed.


Thank you for your support of Premier Arts Academy and our students!

Please mark all volunteer tasks that  you would be interested in so we know to contact you with the appropriate opportunities.

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